Seo tools-to rank #1 page in google|

Seo tools to rank #1 page in google
  1. Seo tools to rank on google first page

Do you want to rank on google and traffic on your website?Then this is for you!

Top 7 free SEO tool that will help to rank in google first page.


Before stars with SEO TOOLS first ,SEO means Search Enging Optimaization.Seo is must important thing for every website to rank in google and get traffic.Now there can be a question, how we do it?

    There are many tools for doing SEO.I will tell you about top 7 free seo tools that will help you to get more traffic.

    Seo tools will help you to get more traffic in your site.I use several seo tools  and i found amazing seo tool that can help to rank on google.

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    Resposive degain test

    You have use responsive theme
     First things you have to make sure yourwebsite is fully responsive.Because if you have a theme degain in desktop mode then in mobile it will look like this:
    Responsive vs non responsive
    You can see its not looking great in mobile device.Which can kick you to get good traffic.And one additional things said that 52% of traffic are getting from mobile device.So it is very important things to do.
    So,first search in google for responsive blogger theme and to cheak your site is responsive or not you can use This site to cheak your website.Just enter your site url and click on go.Thats it.

    Of 10

    Website load speed cheaker
    This is pretty awasome seo tool.Why?
    Because offer you to cheak your website load speed.
    Do you know,slower page load speed really kick you to get more traffic.If anyone come to your website and it takes ton of time load the page then they just click back and visit another site.
    And the cool features of this tool is gtmetrix not only show you page load speed,they also give you option to fix them right now for free.
    To use this seo tool Click here to use give your site url and click on analyze.that is it.They show you how is your page load speed and how can you fix problem if there any.
    This seo tool help you to get more traffic.
    Of 10

    Google Trends

    Google trends
    Which topic is trending now?Donot know!But Google trends know that.

    Why you need Google Trends?

    Google trends show us how often particular searchs in google.
    If you publish a post on 2004 football world cup then you cannot get good visitor .But instead of that if you publish a post on upcoming 2018 football world cup then you will get visitor.People want to see the trending things.
    As i say Google Trends know that which things are popular.So you can get help from Google trends.Just go to and enter you keyword and submit.
    Google trends home
    Then it will show you every things like:
    • From which country,how much search
    • Day to day search analytics
    • Day to day search volium
    • Search are increasing or decreasing and more.
    It will help you to target your audience.
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    Google PageSpeed Insight

    Page speed insight
    Its another seo tool that help you to speed-up your website.
    Go to or Click here to access pagespeed insights and enter you website or page Url and click on analyze.And you will get your report .If anything wrong then it show you how to fix them.It really help to rank on Google and other search Enging.
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    Rank Cheaker:Seobook

    Rank cheaker (seo tool)
    You publish a amazing content on your targeted keyword.And tried seo.
    But do you know that is your post ranked in search ingine?or not.
    That's why we have amazing seo tool that help us by suggesting what or which pard i need to do for making site/page user friendly.From this Website you can know where the improvment is needed.
    Go to the website and

    What you need to do:

    • Go to Here.
    • Enter your targeted keyword
    • Enter your website name
    • Click on rank.
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    Screamingfrog seo tool
    Screamingfrog is a seo tools that find out where need the fix in your website.Pretty awesome.Go to Here to access the website and submit with your website address.
    That is it.The rest will do it.
    It need some to crawl the site.After done they will tell you every minor fix you need to do.

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    Buzzsumo backlink viewer is a seo tool and my favourite.Because buzzsumo show to who linked to my compatitor or my targeted keyword.You can show how many shared they can use to get backlink.

    How to use buzzsumo to get backlink:

    1. Search your keyword in buzzsumo
    2. See who linked to your targeted you keywor
    3. Massage or mail them by saying"hey,i have a content that are similar to that post that you linked.Cheak my (URL) and feel free to link my site.
    If 10 out of 100 link you then it will going good and it will surely rank you.
    Feel free to comment it you:
    • Need to know something
    • Any missing information
    • Other.