Register Domain:A complete Guide

Register Domain:A complete guide

If you want to make your website then the first step is to find your niche and then you have to register a domain name from domain registrar. That's why domain name and domain registered are very important for who want to start his website.
There are many domain registarar but they have some advantage and some disadvantage too.

So read this post carefully to master in Domain and domain registarar.

In this post I am going to cover :

  • What is a domain name and what is domain registrar

  • How to find the perfect domain Registrar for your website

  • Transfar Domain

  • Contract and pricing

  • Customer support and Additional features

  • Best domain registered for your website

  • What is a Domain Name?

    Domain names are a Getaway in online world. If you want to start a website in online then you have to register a domain name from domain registrar. So this is very important for you. Domain name is  registerer have to follow the rules of ICANN( internet corporation for assigned name and number). This is a non-profit company who have the responsibility to manage the domain name system

    We can not remember IP address because it is very hard to remember that's why the domain name system is.

    So example- you we to make a web site . And this site will be about online store. Then you have to head over to domain registrar to register a domain and make sure that you regestar domain name aroud your niche.You cannot register a domain if the domain name is already registared by other.

    Another main thing is that when you register a domain name then make sure that your domain name is top level domain like .com /.org/.in etc. Because top level domain give you more advantage in SEO add other ranking factor. But They can cost you more money. For Example is good then or

    How to choose the right Domain Registarar?

    There are hundred of domain registrar in the web . And the question is how you make sure that you are registering domain in perfect registrar?
    That's why , fast find the perfect domain name as you need.then search for this factor support in your domain registerer  site.

    1.Domain Transfer is available

    When you buy your domain name then you may not have to think about transfer domain. But later if you don't like your web hosting provider then you may have to  think  about it.

     so make sure that your domain registerer  provider have option to transfer you do me.

    And also meet sure that the terms of domain transfer. Some of them can charge you see for transferring the domain. But some of them have option to transfer YouTube me very easily and without any additionalh cost.

    2.Contract and priceing

    When buying a tummy then you must focus on these steps.  When you search for domain name then you will find that other domain have other price. So make sure which one you are going to register and for how many years or period.

    Some domain registerer offer you to buy domain at a very cheap price of half dollar. But after one year they will be charging $10 to $30 or even more.

    So make sure you check all the things .

    3.Customar Suppor

    You have to take a eye on Domain Register support review. Because, You buy a domain with pretty much money but you don't get any help from the domain provider if you face a problem. Then all things gonna to wast. You don't want to be wait for getting help from them.So I suggest you to take

    You can message them in there website and see how often they response and are they really think about you and giveing you perfect solution.

    4.Additional Services

    Every website offer you different types of services that can be same or different. But some of them just Provide you only register domain.

    If you looking for all in one pack like webHosting ,Website building then you may compare different providers to see which features they are offering in low price.

    That's how you can get a Full-Packed Domain Registaras in low prick by cheaking additional features.

    5.Drop Catching

    You may forget to renew your domain or your credit card is expire.This means that your domain is free for public to buy.
    So anyone can buy it without you know that.Or there are accidently some one purcshed your domain name.

    If you have a well running website then you are in great trouble. 

    To prevent this problem some domain registrars  ofrer that,they will hold certain period of time for your response. If you are willing to run long terms business they make sure to cheak this features.


    For your undarstanding we add some Top DOMAIN REGISTRARS.You may not like all of them but can compare to understand and geting a perfect domain name with good features.

    Top 10 Domain Name Provider